From childhood through late adulthood, there are certain times when we may need help addressing difficulties and issues that cause us emotional distress or make us feel overwhelmed. Take some time to review the descriptions & benefits of the services provided by Collage Counseling Center. you may find it helpful to refer to our faqs for answers to your questions.
Individual Counseling
Clients work one-on-one with a trained therapist. Counseling can help achieve both short-term and long-term goals. You may benefit from a fresh perspective and learn to identify factors that contribute to difficulties and dissatisfaction.
Group Therapy
Clients gain insight into their own thoughts and behavior, and offer support to each other. In addition, people who may have a difficult time with interpersonal relationships, can take advantage of the social interactions that are an integral part of the group therapy experience.
Counseling for Children
If you feel your child might have behavior problems or needs help coping with a difficult life event, trust your instincts. The first step is reaching out for help. Parents/Guardians can provide helpful information regarding their children’s patterns of behavior at home and school. Also, children under the age of 6 can be evaluated with Developmental Testing. It is a comprehensive, multidimensional assessment system that measures cognitive, social, emotional, intellectual and physical make-up. This will provide a better understanding of the children’s behavior as it relates to typical developmental patterns in comparison to chronological age. Developmental Age best describes a child’s behavior and performance on a developmental scale; and may be equal to, older or younger, than the child’s actual chronological age. The result is that a distinction can be made between a developmental lag that requires intervention or those that are within normal boundaries.
Couples & Family Counseling
Collage offers support to people in a committed relationship who may be considering separation or seeking to improve intimacy and mutual understanding. In couples counseling, the relationship is the focus, although each partner should also expect to work on self-improvement. Therapy can be useful in any family situation that causes stress or anger. This process is intended to bring you closer together by deepening these vital personal connections. If there is peace in the heart, there is peace in your home.
Postpartum Treatment
Postpartum Depression and the “Baby Blues” share many symptoms, including mood swings, sadness, insomnia, and irritability. The difference is that with postpartum depression, the symptoms are more severe and longer lasting. This can interfere with your ability to take care of your baby and yourself, so it’s important to get help as soon as possible. Treatment and support are just a phone call away.
Grief Counseling
Allow yourself the time to release your emotions to begin the process of recovering from the death of a loved one or the grief from any sort of loss. At Collage, you'll discover empathy, coping strategies, shared goals, resolution & acceptance.
High Risk Youth
Are you concerned about your son or daughter’s well being? Counselors at Collage can assess the warning signs and determine appropriate interventions for children that are experiencing issues with Gender Identity, Sexual Abuse, Human Trafficking, Dating Violence & Internet Safety.
Academic Consultation
Academic Advising is an opportunity to exchange information that is designed to help students reach their educational goals or identify alternatives. We offer help to sort through feelings and expectations that arise from academic challenges.
Eligibility for Accommodations
We can provide assistance to navigate through the red tape and answer questions to get the necessary support in elementary school through college. The needs of a differently-abled student must be met as adequately as the needs of a general education student. IEP/504 Plans
Career Exploration
Are you ready to plan your future? We can guide you through the choices about a major, undergraduate/graduate programs, trade school and ultimately a career. Investigating career paths, industries, and opportunities for gaining experience in the field of your choosing can open doors you thought were closed.